Margaret Whittock, Author and Founding Editor of Dark Mourne Press, is a retired academic who has lived and worked in Northern Ireland, London, Istanbul, Accra, and the Turks and Caicos Islands, and travelled around the world. Many of her experiences have informed her writing, which to date consists of three novels, one academic book, and various contributions (short stories, poems, articles) contributed to other publications (see below). As a sociologist, her academic writing has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals (including the Irish Journal of Sociology; Sociology of Health and Illness; Implementation Science; Journal of Nursing Management; Construction Management and Economics), texts, newspapers and magazines. Margaret's PhD, Feminising the Masculine?, was published in 2000 but is now newly available as a Routledge Revival, available from Amazon.
Margaret has also edited, joint-published (with Palewell Press), and contributed to Notes on a Page, an anthology of writing from the South West London women's writing group, She Voices, of which she has been a member for over six years. The anthology features a number of up and coming writers in all genres who write from various ethnic and cultural experiences. She is currently working on a fourth novel, Six Proud Walkers, an environmental thriller set in the foothills of the Mourne Mountains in N. Ireland, and, in addition, is editing an anthology of ghost stories, The Witness Tree. While she is also planning an anthology of some of her poetry, most recently, two of her poems, Lines of Longitude, and The Stones of Venice, have been published in an anthology of verse, Welling Up, from Palewell Press (details below). Her poem, Easter Sunday: Lockdown has also been published in the Palewell Press Covid anthology, Let The People Sing, launched in November 2020 (details below).
Ghost of Gallipoli, Margaret's first venture into fiction, was inspired by the chance discovery of her great-uncles' headstones at V Beach Cemetery in Gallipoli, Turkey. She has since published two other novels, Blood Sisters, a dark tale of murder and revenge, and Unintentional Dismount, a YA novel set in the horsey world. In addition to all above, Margaret is currently working on the follow-up to Ghost of Gallipoli. This new novel, Billy Blitz, is a World War Two fictional account of her father's experiences in wartime London. She plans to add a further novel to what will become a trilogy : The Callaghan Trilogy, one family's experience of conflict in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Margaret's novels are available from Amazon, as is Feminising the Masculine, which is also directly available from Routledge. In addition, Ghost of Gallipoli, Unintentional Dismount and Notes on a Page are available as paperbacks from the Feed A Read website, and can be purchased from good online bookstores.
Margaret now lives and works in London but hopes to return to Northern Ireland, her homeland, one day soon.
Stop Press!
Margaret is branching out with her own art and design business: Dark Mourne Design (currently under construction).
For more info go to Page 2 (click at top of page)
Margaret has also edited, joint-published (with Palewell Press), and contributed to Notes on a Page, an anthology of writing from the South West London women's writing group, She Voices, of which she has been a member for over six years. The anthology features a number of up and coming writers in all genres who write from various ethnic and cultural experiences. She is currently working on a fourth novel, Six Proud Walkers, an environmental thriller set in the foothills of the Mourne Mountains in N. Ireland, and, in addition, is editing an anthology of ghost stories, The Witness Tree. While she is also planning an anthology of some of her poetry, most recently, two of her poems, Lines of Longitude, and The Stones of Venice, have been published in an anthology of verse, Welling Up, from Palewell Press (details below). Her poem, Easter Sunday: Lockdown has also been published in the Palewell Press Covid anthology, Let The People Sing, launched in November 2020 (details below).
Ghost of Gallipoli, Margaret's first venture into fiction, was inspired by the chance discovery of her great-uncles' headstones at V Beach Cemetery in Gallipoli, Turkey. She has since published two other novels, Blood Sisters, a dark tale of murder and revenge, and Unintentional Dismount, a YA novel set in the horsey world. In addition to all above, Margaret is currently working on the follow-up to Ghost of Gallipoli. This new novel, Billy Blitz, is a World War Two fictional account of her father's experiences in wartime London. She plans to add a further novel to what will become a trilogy : The Callaghan Trilogy, one family's experience of conflict in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Margaret's novels are available from Amazon, as is Feminising the Masculine, which is also directly available from Routledge. In addition, Ghost of Gallipoli, Unintentional Dismount and Notes on a Page are available as paperbacks from the Feed A Read website, and can be purchased from good online bookstores.
Margaret now lives and works in London but hopes to return to Northern Ireland, her homeland, one day soon.
Stop Press!
Margaret is branching out with her own art and design business: Dark Mourne Design (currently under construction).
For more info go to Page 2 (click at top of page)
![]() ⬅️ Some Contributions ➡️ 1. ◀️ Welling Up, Palewell Press: publishes work in several genres: long and short fiction, memoir and other non-fiction, anthologies, poetry collections and pamphlets. Two poems included. palewellpress.co.uk/Palewell-About.html 2. Ghost Anthology, Dark Hall Press: ▶️ Short Story entitled: SIlver Darlings www.goodreads.com/book/show/18499800-dark-hall-press-ghost-anthology 3. ◀️Gender, Democracy and Inclusion in Northern Ireland: discusses the processes and structures created by these groups in order to work democratically across differences. More at: www.amazon.co.uk/Democracy-Inclusion-Northern-Ireland-Studies/dp/0333760662 4.Managing Diversity & Inequality in Healthcare, Bailliere Tindall: ▶️ www.amazon.co.uk/Managing-Diversity-Inequality-Health-Care/dp/0702025208 5. ◀️ Newry's War Dead, The Equity Unit, Newry and Mourne District Council www.amazon.co.uk/Newrys-War-Dead-1914-1918-1939-1945/dp/0900903414 6. ▶️Can You Hear The People Sing, Palewell Press, 2020 Palewell Press's second anthology of poetry and prose brings together a global set of writers, sharing their experiences of Covid-19, lockdown, the pandemic, losing track of time, a reprieve for nature, and their hopes for the future. One poem included. palewellpress.co.uk/Palewell-About.html |